Queefing. UGH! What is it, how do I get it to stop??
Potentially one of the most embarrassing thing that can possibly happen in a silent yoga class has just happened to you. Good news is that you don’t have to quit yoga, but you can quit queefing, during yoga, headstand and sex. We will explain!
Firstly, don’t worry, it’s completely normal for women of all ages to experience this. It has nothing to do with what you ate last night, nor does it have anything to do with farting at all.
In a recent study we conducted with Cal Poly Pomona we found that 43% of women wished they had more control over “queefing”. Moral of the story you aren’t alone, and many women are struggling to find a solution.
In the most simple explanation, queefing happens when your vagina sucks in a bunch of air and then blows it back out. It especially happens during classes like Yoga and Pilates- because when your hips are in the air changing positions, it makes it a lot easier for air to get inside, however that is – only if your pelvic floor muscle is not engaged.
Here at Gynie, you know we stand for being an open place to talk about building strong pelvic floor muscles and helping you learn AND understand what is happening in your body. So we are going to do just that for you!
When you enter your vagina, have you ever noticed the ridges? These ridges are called rugae – and are what causes the air to get trapped into your vagina when it expands in size (during sex), or even when you change yoga positions.
The pelvic floor muscle plays a big part in your posture, core, as well as in daily activities like walking and stretching. By strengthening your pelvic floor muscles you are able to effectively squeeze and draw the muscle upward – which also engages and stabilizes the core.
The trick is to not mindlessly squeeze the vagina shut – but to engage your body and mind to focus on the muscle. Focus on holding the muscle up while changing Yoga positions, and slowly release once you are settled. Remember: it is much easier to prevent air from going inside the vagina in the first place – than to stop it from coming out once it is already in there.
Using a product like Gynie can help you gain consciousness of the PC muscle so you can engage it at any time you want, during sex or exercise or laughing or coughing.
With these tips, you end up working towards strengthening your PC muscle and having a great workout with a queefing-free yoga session!
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
You’ve gotten awesome knowlwdge these.
Thanks, this website is extremely helpful.