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What is the PC Muscle?
The PuboCoccygeus muscle [p-u-b-o – käk-sij-(ē-) əs] is the most versatile muscle in the body! Also know as the Love Muscle, is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. The PC muscle controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm. It also aids in childbirth as well as core stability.
Strong VS. Weak PC Muscle
Potential disadvantages of weak PC muscle:
Urinary Incontinence – the loss of urin control. Stress Incontinence – means occasionally leaking urine when doing such things as coughing, sneezing, lifting or exercising. The severity ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that’s so sudden and strong you don’t get to a toilet in time. Urge incontinence – means that a women is unable to hold her urine when there strong need or urge, one may constantly running to the bathroom and needing to get up in the middle of the night. Women with this issue also tend to have more urinary tract infections and skin problems.
Sexual Dysfunction – Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain – that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner – are known medically as female sexual dysfunction. Inability to reach orgasm.
Diastasis recti (also known as abdominal separation) is commonly defined as a gap of roughly 2.7 cm or greater between the two sides of the rectus abdominis muscle. The distance between the right and left rectus abdominis muscles is created by the stretching of the linea alba, a connective collagen sheath created by the aponeurosis insertions of the transverse abdominis, internal oblique, and external oblique. This can happen after child-bearing.
Pelvic Floor
Both men and women have it. In women, the pelvic floor is the muscles, ligaments, connective tissues and nerves that support the bladder, uterus, vagina
The group of trunk muscles that surround the spine and abdominal viscera.
The deep core stability muscles include:
* Pelvic floor muscles ( PC Muscle -pubococcygeus muscle)
* Transversus abdominis (the deepest abdominal muscle)
* Rectus Abdominis (“abdominals” or “abs”)
* Internal and external Obliques
* Multifidus (smallest yet most powerful muscle that gives support to the spine)
The main function of the Core is to stabilize and protect the spine and Pelvis when the rest of the body is in motion.
Correct posture improves pelvic floor exercises -your strengthening exercises will be most effective and successful with the correct spinal and bowel control. Correct posture promotes deep adominal muscle activity. Your deep abdominal muscles also play a role in supporting your pelvic organs and promoting bladder and bowel control. Correct Posture enhances diaphragmatic breathing- diaphragmatic breathing exercises can help to promote appropate helpful breathing patterns that enhance pelvic floor muscle activity.
Other commonly used words for PC muscle and this area/ realm of muscles:
Draw your hip bones, draw your hip points toward each other, root your tailbone, tuck your pelvis, press your pubic bone into the floor, tuck the pelvic, release your cervical region, thrust your pelvic forward, tilt the pelvis, tip the pelvis, keep lumbar spine neutral, belt from spine to abs, draw in, hips, core, draw the sit bones, tuck the tailbone, scoop the tailbone, flatten the lower back, engage the deep transverse abdominals, engage the muscles between the pubic bones and the navel, rectus abdominals. balance the pelvis, lift your tailbone, lift your sit bone, square your hips. root down through the tailbone, square your hips, engage the lower abdominals, neutral spine, release your sacroiliac joint, sacrum coccyx together, hug your muscles to the sit bone, releases the psoas, firm your pelvic floor, tailbone lengthen from your waistline and back, zip up, drawstring, by drawing your low belly in and up, mula bandha.
Queefing is the result of a trapped pocket of air getting pushed out of your vagina. The vagina isn’t a straight tube. It has folds called rugae that are like wrinkles. With sufficient amount of PC strength this can be controlled.
A queef is the sound a vagina makes when it sucks in a bunch of air for no reason, and then blows it back out. This sound is loud, disruptive, and often vibrates.
Dr Arnold Kegel (1894–1981)
Dr. Arnold Kegel was the gynecologist who invented the Kegel Perineometer (used for measuring vaginal air pressure) and kegel exercises (squeezing of the muscles of the pelvic floor). This followed the observation that muscles of the pelvic floor inevitably weakened following the trauma of childbirth. Ascertaining the air pressure inside the vagina by insertion of a perineometer, while requesting the woman to squeeze as hard as possible, indicates whether or not she would benefit from strengthening the vaginal muscles using the kegel exercises. More modern electromyograph (EMG) perineometers, which measure electrical activity in the pelvic floor muscles, may be more effective in this purpose. Assessment of pelvic floor strength during gynaecological examination may help to identify women with fascial defects of the pelvic floor, as well as those at risk of genital prolapse or urinary incontinence. Both the kegel perineometer and a digital examination are effective and concordant in their results in this assessment.
Dr Ernest Gräfenberg (1881-1957)
The man behind the G-Spot concept is the famous gynecologist – Ernest Gräfenberg. He wrote many influential academic journals that impacted the female health industry. One example is his most famous article, The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm, which provides great information on what happens in a female body during a vaginal orgasm. It is quite fascinating.
Gräfenberg was known for much more than just the G-Spot though. He also created the very popular birth control you may know as the IUD. He contributed a great deal to furthering female anatomy research.
Kegel Exercise
Our research shows that 87% of women have heard of Kegels, the only problem is, that a majority of women believe that doing “Kegel exercises” by blindly squeezing and holding it. It’s understandable that women are unable to identify the correct muscle, as it is “out of sight, out of mind”. Often, women will use other surrounding muscles, taking away attention and focus from the PC muscle – which they are intending to train.
Kegel Weights
Noticed the growing hype around kegel weights? Wondering how to use kegel weights? Women worldwide are beginning to discover the benefits that come with performing kegel exercises.
Many people automatically associate kegel weights with new motherhood. The truth is, the rewards of kegel exercise go far beyond just strengthening your kegel muscle post-pregnancy. Did you know that by strengthening your kegel muscle you can have a better sex life? Experience better orgasms? It can even help those that are preparing to have a child!
There are a variety of kegel exercise devices on the market, including kegel balls and kegel weights, which can help with the process. We’ve tested most of the kegel weights on the market, and learned a thing or two along the way. After all of our research, we’ve created a guide to Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Kegel Weights
Kegel Balls
Although kegel exercises can be performed without any equipment, kegel balls will increase the efficiency and intensity of your workout. For that reason, many women have made them a regular part of their pelvic health routine. Others purchase them as an addition to their sex toy collection!
At Gynie, we’re kegel strength and weight training experts. We’ve tested most of the kegel exercise devices on the market, and learned a thing or two along the way. After all of our research, we’ve created a guide to Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Kegel Balls
Kegel Exercisers
At Gynie, we’re pelvic health experts. Over the years, we’ve tested many of the top kegel
Reverse Kegels
In basic terms, reverse kegels are the opposite of the standard kegels. Reverse kegels concentrate more on stretching and relaxing the PC muscle, while the traditional kegel exercise focus on strengthening and sculpting the PC muscle.
To compare – with regular Kegels the pelvic floor muscles are contracted and trained while in reverse kegels, the muscles are elongated and relaxed. If you want to learn more about how to do reverse kegels with your Gynie Trainer – read more about it here.
Mula Bandha
In Sanskrit Mula means root, and thus Mula Bandha is the root lock. Mula Bandha has several different purposes and plenty of amazing benefits. It gives the body strength and lightness, the ability to align and move correct and with ease. Mula Bandha is a practice that isn’t often talked about, but it is really important to understand especially for strengthening your pelvic floor and PC muscle health. To help you understand Mula Bandha, we created this guide to getting started!
Self- confidence
The concept self-confidence as commonly used is self-assurance in one’s personal judgment, ability, power, to name a few. One increases self-confidence from experiences of having mastered particular activities. It is a positive belief that in the future one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goal.
Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happy mental states may also reflect judgements by a person about their overall well-being.
In a clinical context, orgasm is usually defined strictly by the muscular contractions involved during sexual activity, along with the characteristic patterns of change in heart rate, blood pressure, and often respiration rate and depth. This is categorized as the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension during the sexual
Read more about how
Vaginal Orgasm
The famous vaginal orgasm. This can be a breakthrough experience for many women that results in an overflow of emotions. This type of orgasm takes more than just stimulating the clitoris and G-spot. It requires you to connect your mind with your body and emotions– specifically with your yoni. With this
Learn more about the vaginal orgasm in our guide to EVERYTHING you need to know about orgasms!
Full body orgasm
Have you ever made love to your partner that sent tingles throughout your entire body? Made your legs shake? Your eyes roll back in your head? All of those uncontrollable movements can lead to a full-body orgasm that has you feeling out of body-and out of mind pleasure. It is almost as if you can feel the lifeforce energy running throughout your entire body. This is why some people call it an energetic orgasm. Just like a vaginal orgasm you are connecting your mind to spirit. You are able to unleash everything that you have built up inside of you and feel the deep sensation of pure relief. Many women feel empowered, whole, and fully electric after having the experience of a full body orgasm. You can literally feel the orgasms twinkle all the way out in the toes, they become warm, flushed and almost a little numb and tickly.
Non-sexual Orgasms
Orgasms can be reached through meditation. Enlightenment is often described as one ling orgasm. Samadhi is a state of mind compared to a state of orgasm that has nothing to do with sexuality. It a pleasurable state of meditation.
There are many women and men that have experienced exercise induced orgasms especially during workouts that include a lot of core work. The reason why this may happen has a lot to do with endorphins, breath, and the PC muscle.
During a workout many endorphins are released that can bring you a sense of happiness and euphoria. This in combination with rapid intense breath as well as moving the PC muscle in such a way your body receives as sexual pleasure, can play a role in you experiencing an orgasm outside of the bedroom.
Many women have the capability of orgasming from a yoga class because they are so in tune with their body and breathe.
Think of it this way, if you take away only the physical part of having an orgasm, you are still left with the emotion, energy, and connection to your body. This is powerful enough to experience fulfilling orgasms.
Emotional Orgasms
Women desire an emotional connection with their partners. However, what is even more important than the way your partner expresses his love towards you is how you feel with yourself. Self-love is key. Being comfortable in your own skin and building acceptance of yourself can help you truly let loose. When you are confident with who you are it radiates off of you. You are able to let go of tension, embarrassment, fear, guilt, judgment, past experiences, and trying to look or act the perfect way.
Female Ejaculation
AKA “Squirting orgasm” – is the expulsion of fluid by the paraurethral ducts through and around the human female urethra during or before an orgasm. The strength of the PC muscle plays a big role in the ability to control this.
Mind - Muscle Connection
Mind-muscle connection plays a vital role in the quality of your training. While using Gynie, prepare your mind to solely isolate the PC muscle. Remember to breath throughout.